Learning to Lean

Preface : I wrote this while I was in New Jersey. I was having some difficultly writing. I’m not sure why maybe the change in environment.  But one morning while strolling through my notes I found this observation that I wrote in February. After reading the note the writing flowed.  Here is the note: I […]

The Journey on the Amtrak

It’s March  25 and I am on the Amtrak going to New Jersey.  My best friend is giving birth to our baby lol. I am kidding it’s her and her husband’s baby girl.  I’m taking the trip to be there for the delivery and the first few days of her life! I’m excited and nervous […]

Truth: God is Constant

It’s Wednesday night and  I’m brushing my teeth realizing that tomorrow is Thursday and I still have nothing to post on my blog. But to be honest, I didn’t have anything to post. There were certain things the Holy Spirit and I have been working through and that’s all there is. But while I was […]

The Work Below the Surface

I have always had this slight obsession with trees, leaves, mountains and flowers. Not that I am a crazy nature person but I love looking at the natural beauty. I believe that nature shows us the glory and the strength of God– who is all powerful. Often times the Holy Spirit has encouraged me by […]

The Greatest Love of All

Today is Valentine’s Day. The day where love is celebrated all over the world. Some people consider it to be nothing but a consumer’s holiday like pretty much every other holiday. While others hold this day close to their heart. Regardless of how we feel about this day love deserves to be celebrated. True and […]

The Call to Go Against the Grain & Jeremiah

Shalom, Jeremiah. You’ve always fascinated me. I’ve tried at least 3 times to read your entire book. I always find myself getting caught up in the first seven chapters that I never get to the end. Let me explain, it grabs my attention but it’s so deep. I feel like in order to really grasp […]

A Master of Pieces

Now the Angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness, by the spring on the way to Shur. And He said, “Hagar, Sarai’s maid, where have you come from, and where are you going?” She said, “I am fleeing from the presence of my mistress Sarai.” The Angel of […]

Sarah & The Impossibility

       Dear Sarah, Your story has always been one of the ones that perplexed me the most. As a married woman I try to wrap my mind around why  you would give your husband into the arms of another woman and I cannot understand it… But as a woman who waits and has waited in […]

From Weeping to Blessing

We moved to North Carolina in the beginning of August, 2017. A few weeks after my husband was assigned to His unit, he was told he would be deploying in three months. My husband came home that day and told me…. devastated is a mild emotion compared to what I felt. It’s like my heart […]

Job & the Dried Up Brook

Dear Job, I read halfway through your story and I am compelled to write you this letter. In some ways, I feel a connection to your experience that inspires me to look at my life and God differently. While reading about the loss of your wealth, children and health I selfishly began thinking about my […]