Today is Valentine’s Day. The day where love is celebrated all over the world. Some people consider it to be nothing but a consumer’s holiday like pretty much every other holiday. While others hold this day close to their heart. Regardless of how we feel about this day love deserves to be celebrated. True and unadulterated love should be celebrated. Love that is unconditional, selfless, pure, given freely and made available to everyone– should be celebrated!
So today let’s talk about Jesus. The true definition of love. Love that was without compromise and willing to die so that other’s might have life. When I think about Jesus, I see that for Him how He lived His life was more important than life itself! Jesus was so fixed on bringing glory to His father that His impending crucifixion was minute in comparison. We know from the occurrence in the Garden of Gethsemane that this “cup” was not one that Jesus took lightly… But He resolved that God’s will was more important than what He was experiencing in that moment. Jesus laid down His life because He loved His father. He laid down His life because He wanted to restore a people back to God.
He left His seat in glory to be a poor carpenter, rejected by His own people and bore our sins on the cross. He was guiltless yet had a criminal’s death… On the surface it appears that Jesus had nothing to gain. But in reality Jesus knew that fulfilling the will of His Father was the greatest expression of love and was willing to do it regardless of the cost! So on this Valentine’s Day I have to ask us: at what cost are we willing to express love to God our Father? We sing a lot about how God loves us and how He restore us. Playing music that makes us feel mushy inside because when we think of God’s love all we can do is weep, rejoice, worship and give Him glory. But when God considers how you love Him what does He feel?
When I think about Jesus, I see that for Him how He lived His life was more important than life itself! Jesus was so fixed on bringing glory to His father that His impending crucifixion was minute in comparison.
What does the way you love God say about you? Do you have a willingness to do whatever it takes to express your love for Him? Earlier in the year, I was struggling because I felt like I was earning God’s love and the Lord spoke to me that I didn’t have to earn His love. His love is freely given to me. Just as it is freely given to all of us. God loves each and everyone of His creations. Let’s look at Jesus’ disciples. There were 12– all 12 were empowered by Jesus to be His witnesses and do miracles. Yet, Jesus knew the whole time that two from among them would betray Him. But He never treated them differently. He loved them the same, taught them the same and gave them the same revelation. The difference was each person’s reaction to what Jesus gave to them. Jesus was God’s love personified, walking amongst man. No one experienced that love greater than His chosen disciples.
So how could Judas Iscariot and Peter betray Him? I truly believe it was because of their love or lack thereof towards Him. The love we have for God will determine how we respond to His love for us. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus and never repented and we all know what happened to Him. It wasn’t anything that Jesus did that led Judas down this path, it was Judas’ choice. Whereas Peter denied Jesus three times but was restored to God. We have two examples: an unrepentant heart and a repentant heart. Which one will we be? When we consider the love of God for us our only response should be “God how can I love you?”… This should be our heart’s desire as it was Jesus’: how can we express our love for God? Not so that He can love us but so that He will know that above everything we love Him.
When I think about Jesus, I see that for Him how He lived His life was more important than life itself! Jesus was so fixed on bringing glory to His father that His impending crucifixion was minute in comparison
God is looking for those of us who will respond to His love not with just butterflies, tears, and goose bumps but with transformed lives. Lives that aren’t perfect but that are fully submitted to bringing Him glory on earth, even in the midst of their failures. Those who desire is to walk like Jesus did– going about their Father’s business. Aiming to bring glory to God and not to their self. Humbling their self even to the point of death so that GOD can be glorified and the kingdom of God be advanced. Jesus bearing and carrying the cross, and His crucifixion was an act of love, not just His love for us but His love for His Father. He did that so that God’s will can be established in the earth! He did what the blood of lamb’s, cattle’s and bird’s couldn’t do. My worship minister quoted a scripture yesterday during discipleship:
‘I[Jesus] tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives. ‘ ‘Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity. Anyone who wants to serve me must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me.’
John 12:24-26 NLT
Jesus’ submission to the will of His Father birthed a generation that can have access to God like never before. What will your submission to God’s will for your life birth? If we are to follow Christ, we also will love God enough to the point where we care nothing for life in this world. This call isn’t one that tells you to treat your life with negligence but to live it with careful hands. Being mindful and sober of the decisions we make, the words we speak, the proclamations we make( verbally and in our actions). It all boils down to: do we love God enough to give our all for Him?
Love is sacrificial– it lays down its own rights for the glory of another!
This Valentine’s Day, I am reminded of Jesus! The love He had for His Father– it’s that same love we should have for Him! I love John 17, it’s a conversation between a Son and His Father. A conversation about His disciples and the disciples to come(US). It is full of so much love for us and God’s desire for us. Jesus’ greatest expression of love to God, His Father, was His life.
Does the life we live bring glory to God or shame to His name? Does our life look like the life of Jesus’?
I pray that today we will really examine our lives and see what it says about our love for God– fully –all of Him. All of His character: Justice, Holiness, Sovereignty, Magnificence, Love, Mercifulness, Graciousness, Kindness and a lot of more! If you are wondering how we do this? Read the word, ask the Holy Spirit to help you to understand God’s word. We have access to all of who God is– through Jesus Christ. God wants that face to face relationship. It’s time we move from the Hand to soul relationship. He wants Spirit to spirit. I challenge us today to love God like Jesus did with our lives not just our words.
This call isn’t one that tells you to treat your life with negligence but to live it with careful hands. Being mindful and sober of the decisions we make, the words we speak, the proclamations we make( verbally and in our actions). It all boils down to: do we love God enough to give our all for Him?
‘I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. ‘
John 17:4
‘I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.
John 17:23
With the Love of Christ, Nadesha
Well I’ve got to say this post brings glory to God!
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