God promises both suffering and abundance. In everything we do we must keep our eyes on Him. Regardless of the situation we should still flourish. God calls us to flourish in the midst of the trials. Often times we can’t see how, but the secret is that we flourish in spite of ourselves. Jesus was born to a virgin in a manger. Humble beginnings from the city of Nazareth. Fully man and fully God— Jesus followed the will of His Father in spite of what was to come. The Bible tells us that Jesus looked at the joy that was to come and endured the cross. Everything that we may ever do or say is of no comparison to what Jesus did for us on the cross. He continuously provides the promise of salvation and hope when we look to Him. I’ve found that it can be difficult to move myself out of my own way. It’s time that we remove ourselves. It’s time we allow God to show us what and who we are in Him. It’s time that we remember what the good news is.. It is Jesus. It is what Jesus did for you and I on the cross. It’s not what we have done or can do for Him. I heard a wise person say ” God loves you not because of what you do but because of you. Whatever you do is not to earn His love but it’s a response to His love for you”. I am not sure who that wise person was but I am holding on to that. WHATEVER I DO MUST BE A RESPONSE TO GOD’S LOVE FOR ME. My desire and hope is to walk in that liberty and grace. The grace God has given me to live a life where I will encounter trials and tribulation. Yet in spite of …….

In Spite of….. Is the good news

In Spite of my sinful nature Jesus’s blood was shed. He laid down His life so I could be restored in relationship to God My Father

In Spite of our shame Jesus takes  our shame and carried it to the cross

In spite of death there is life in Christ Jesus

In spite of the cross and grave, He was resurrected

In spite of the plans of the enemy to destroy the seed God planted within me I will bear fruit

In spite of my past I will live victoriously

In spite of the darkness, light dispels it

In spite of fear, I will fix my eyes upon His glorious splendor

In spite of my worry I will rest in the arms of my Father who assures me that He will light up my path

In spite of the traps and snares I will trust in the Lord who orders and knows my way!

In spite of the disappointment I will hold to the truth that those who trust in God are never disappointed

In spite of what it looks like I’ll remember and cling to what He is like!

In spite of my bruises I know the enemy’s head is already crushed

In spite of the lack in my life, He provides for all my needs

In spite of my ability to self-sabotage God rescues me from myself and the fear of tomorrow

In spite of Me there is Jesus!

In spite of my past I have a future

In spite of my filthy rags there is His righteousness

In spite of my compromise, He provides a way to walk whole heartedly

In spite of my mistakes, He redeems and works all things out for the good

In spite of my tears and brokenness He is here

In spite of my lack of understanding, through the fear of God there is wisdom and understanding

In spite of me, He is sovereign

In spite of me, He is faithful

In spite of my inconsistency, He remains constant

In spite of deserving judgement He offers grace and His lovingkindness

In spite of deserving to hang on the cross He exchanged me for himself

In spite of death, I have abundant life in Jesus

In spite of the raging seas, He beckons the seas to be still

In spite of the storm He calls us to triumph by walking upon the waters intended to destroy us

In spite of my weakness, He ensures us that in Him we are strong

In spite of the war, He has overcome them all

In spite of my earthly family, I am adopted into His family

In spite of my feelings of loneliness He promises that He WILL NEVER LEAVE ME

In spite of the appearance of suffering alone He has endured and can relate to my experiences

In spite of who I AM, He NEVER changes

In spite of where you are He is there

In spite of your pain He is here


[looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith [the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity], who for the joy [of accomplishing the goal] set before Him endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God [revealing His deity, His authority, and the completion of His work]. Hebrews 12:2 AMP

Are you so foolish and senseless? Having begun [your new life by faith] with the Spirit, are you now being perfected and reaching spiritual maturity by the flesh [that is, by your own works and efforts to keep the Law]? Galatians 3:3 AMP

Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? Romans 8:35 AMP

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