Laying here spending time with the Lord, I finally realize “ I do not have it all together.” I am flawed beyond my own understanding and that’s scary. This realization brings to light so many issues I’ve been having for some time now. The first thing it exposes, is my need to control those around me and my environment. In my mind if my husband is a certain way that will mean I will be good. If my husband gets what I think he needs to get together, our marriage will be more fruitful. My need for control takes me to a place that does not bring joy but it is comfortable. I can’t believe that I am allowing what other people do impact what I choose to do. Sitting here I accept it, it’s true I do not have it all together. I am flawed beyond my own understanding. This revelation comes from crying out to God about someone else’s short comings. Instead of revealing that person’s heart to me, God the one who knows all things, whispers kindly “ You don’t have it all together, what about you.” He immediately speaks truth to my heart and I have to yield to that. God used my own complaints as a mirror.
Why am I in such a hurry to see what I WANT TO SEE? Am I not willing to wait and trust God’s timing? Do I know better than God, what’s the rush? When I first recommitted my life, my favorite scripture declared that we didn’t begin in the Spirit so how can we try to accomplish anything in the flesh. The Spirit requires trust, faith and belief in what God’s word says. It’s easy to be tugged by what we see and what we think but the difficulty rests in looking past it and into God’s word. What is revealed to me is that acceptance must happen. Not just in word but in practice. If we do not accept that we do not have it all together, we cannot love like God intended. Plainly, a person who doesn’t understand who they are will never understand what it takes to love them. Love comes from a place of humility, mercy, grace and endurance. All of this is evident in the way God loves us; This love is shown in the personhood of Jesus Christ. I cannot love anyone until I understand that I am not perfect. I’ve received mercy and grace many times over. Other’s should be extended this same treatment. Who am I if not for the grace of God that I have been shown. Imagine who others can become if they are shown the grace of God through us, God’s earthly representatives.
Acceptance gives us a liberty to love other’s fearlessly, because we are not loving them from our own capabilities but through Christ. On our own we cannot genuinely love but when we look at Christ ,OUR EXAMPLE, we can see how He loved those who loved him and hated Him. By yielding to the fact that “I do not have it all together” it releases us from thinking that loving us is easy. This revelation shows us that loving others won’t be easy either, but through mercy it is possible.
A sermon at church left me with this thought: ” Forgiveness is choosing to step down from offense and extend mercy to someone else.” Think of how Jesus stepped down from heaven to earth, providing His body as a sacrifice. This sacrifice gives us access to God by way of forgiveness. I pray that we will see our life as a means to draw others to Christ. Whether those people are our friends, spouses, church leaders, family, strangers or those who hurt us. Remember grace isn’t given to those who deserve it but to those who need it. Let us show mercy and grace to others for the advancement of the kingdom, as an example of Christ’s love and edification of our brothers and sisters.
Jesus’ biggest act of love was the sinless life He led. He showed us that it’s possible to be in the world and be free from the contamination of the world. He showed us that we could still accomplish our life’s purpose regardless of what is thrown at us! Jesus showed us how to live and love victoriously. The life that we lead should be our greatest act of love, a life that we surrender to God! The life that we use to serve others without fear of what might happen. A life that is fixed on heavenly things not on earthly waste. A life spent loving others through mercy and grace, not entitlement. A life where we carry burdens, not use it as a fuel for our own self-righteousness.
Got Mercy?
Got grace?
Where is our love?
It’s time for us to be truthful with ourselves…….
‘ Are you so foolish and so senseless and so silly? Having begun [your new life spiritually] with the [Holy] Spirit, are you now reaching perfection [by dependence] on the flesh?’ Galatians 3:3 AMPC
But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 NASB
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another. John 13:34-35 NASB
Love covers all transgressions. Proverbs 10:12b AMPC
Brethen, even if anyone is caught in any trepass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to himself, so that you too will not be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing he deceives himself. But each one must examine his own work and then he will have reasons for boasting in regard to himself alone and not in regard to another. For each one will bear his own load. Galatians 6:1-5 NASB
With Love through Christ, Nadesha.