Remember Your Training

My husband(Kashk) met an incredible veteran while he was stationed in Alaska. He and his wife took Kashk under their wing and treated him like a son. We now call him Pop. Pop would spend Sundays at the dinner table with his wife, Kashk and a few younger soldiers sharing war stories. Let’s just say […]

#Transparency Thursday

Good morning,        I just wanted to share what has been going on for the past week. People always say when the Lord speaks to you it is always for you first before it is for anyone else. I found this to be true over the past two weeks. Everything I have written […]

The Wilderness Experience

We become so complacent with God that we tend to  not appreciate Him.  We get to the place where we don’t see our answered  prayers. Instead of trusting God’s timing, we are blinded by an invisible clock that dictates the timing of our life.  What about acknowledging God’s presence even in an unanswered prayer? Thanking […]

In the Eye of the Storm

    Have you ever noticed what happens to a sea-shore over time?  As the waves crash against it  a new shore line is created.  In one day  the pressure from storms and crashing waves  can change what has been for years. I see my life in the same light. Sometimes, the waves and storms […]